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Who is the head of the National Mission of SSA?

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

The programme was pioneered by former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. It 
Status: Merged with the National Education Mi...
Founder: Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of 
Motto: Education for All
Country: India

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Hindi: सर्व शिक्षा अभियान, English: Education for All Movement), or SSA, is an Indian Government program focused on the universalisation of essential schooling "in a period bound way", the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India making free and obligatory instruction to youngsters between the ages of 6 to 14 (assessed to be 206 million kids in 2001) a crucial right (Article-21A). The program was spearheaded by previous Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. It means to teach all youngsters between the ages 6 to 14 by 2010. Nonetheless, as far as possible has been pushed forward endlessly.


As an intercession program, it began in 2002 and SSA has been functional since 2000-2001.[1] However, its foundations return to 1993-1994, when the District Primary Education Program (DPEP) was dispatched, with a point of accomplishing the target of general essential education.[2] DPEP, more than a few stages, shrouded 272 locale in 18 conditions of the country.[3] The consumption on the program was shared by the Central Government (85%) and the State Governments (15%). The Central offer was supported by various outside offices, including the World Bank, Department for International Development (DFID) and UNICEF.[4] By 2001, a bigger number of than $1500 million had been focused on the program, and 50 million youngsters shrouded in its ambit. In an effect appraisal of Phase I of DPEP, the creators reasoned that its net effect on minority youngsters was noteworthy, while there was little proof of any effect on the enrolment of young ladies. In any case, they reasoned that the interest in DPEP was not a waste, since it acquainted another methodology with elementary school mediations in India.[4] 

The Right to Education Act (RTE) came into power on 1 April 2010. A few educationists and strategy producers accept that, with the death of this demonstration, SSA has obtained the fundamental lawful power for its implementation.[5]

Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat 

Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat is a cross country sub-program of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.[9][10] Children who neglect to peruse in early training fall behind in different subjects. The program is intended to work on exhaustive early perusing, composing and early science program for kids in Classes I and II. Under this program, ₹762 crore (US$110 million) was endorsed to States. The program won't just give print rich climate, convenient appropriation of books yet will likewise incorporate new educator tutoring and examination system.[11][better source needed] SSA has been functional since 2000-2001 to accommodate an assortment of mediations for widespread access and maintenance, connecting of sexual orientation and social classification holes in rudimentary schooling and working on the nature of learning. SSA intercessions incorporate entomb alia, opening of new schools and substitute tutoring offices, development of schools and extra study halls, latrines and drinking water, provisioning for educators, ordinary instructor in help preparing and scholastic asset support, free textbooks& garbs and backing for further developing learning accomplishment levels/result. With the entry of the RTE Act, changes have been consolidated into the SSA approach, methodologies and standards. The progressions incorporate the vision and way to deal with rudimentary instruction, directed by the accompanying standards: Holistic perspective on schooling, as deciphered in the National Curriculum Framework 2005, with suggestions for a fundamental redo of the whole substance and interaction of training with huge ramifications for educational plan, instructor schooling, instructive arranging and the board. Value, to mean equivalent freedom, yet additionally production of conditions in which the distraught segments of the general public – offspring of SC, ST, Muslim minority, landless farming laborers and kids with exceptional requirements, and so on – can profit of the chance. Access, not to be restricted to guaranteeing that a school becomes available to all youngsters inside determined distance however suggests a comprehension of the instructive requirements and quandary of the customarily prohibited classifications – the SC, ST and others segments of the most distraught gatherings, the Muslim minority, young ladies as a rule, and kids with uncommon necessities. Sex concern, inferring not just a push to empower young ladies to stay up with young men yet to see instruction in the viewpoint spelt out in the National Policy on Education 1986/92; for example a conclusive mediation to achieve a fundamental change in the situation with ladies. Centrality of instructor, to persuade them to improve and make a culture in the homeroom, and past the study hall, that may create a comprehensive climate for youngsters, particularly for young ladies from abused and minimized foundations. Moral impulse is forced through the RTE Act on guardians, instructors, instructive heads and different partners, as opposed to moving accentuation on reformatory cycles. Joined and coordinated arrangement of instructive administration is pre-essential for execution of the RTE law. All states should move toward that path as rapidly as feasible[citation needed] 

Give quality rudimentary training incorporating fundamental abilities with an extraordinary spotlight on the instruction of young ladies and kids with exceptional requirements just as PC education.


Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a program for Universal Elementary Education. This program is additionally an endeavor to give a chance to working on human abilities to all kids through arrangement of local area - possessed quality schooling in a mission mode. It is a reaction to the interest for quality essential training all around the country.[7] "School Chalen Hum" Poem was composed by Mehboob to advance the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program.

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